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中法MBA教师感言-Jean-Pierre HELFER

【中法国际工商管理学院】 www.zszxbj.net/zhongfaMBA/
中法MBA教师感言-Jean-Pierre HELFER
Jean-Pierre HELFER
Director of IAE de Paris,University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Dear all,
20 years! A so long and so short period of time as well. I clearly remember the first intake in 1989 October. Beijing was so different and so was Paris. We can say that we were pioneers. Only a few French companies were located in Beijing. The Chinese economy was very far away from its current position. Now, when I retrospectively look back, I remember so many graduates, so many events, and a professional staff committed to IFCM. There are only two words coming up to my mind: pride and honor. Pride because I have been really lucky to be a member of the team during this period. Honor because this is what you feel when you passionately join your efforts to improve such a valuable friendship between two institutions like UIBE and IAE of Paris"

